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  • Omega Oratórium - Sajtótájékoztató az Omega zenekar legújabb produkciójáról Mezőtúron

  • Szarvas Székely Technical School remembered of 15th March 1848.

  • Körös Völgy Cultural Magazine - 14.03.2014

    Content: „Cultural inheritance 2014” is the title of the picture exhibition which opened int he library in SzarvasNational Women’s Day at the Golden Age Retirement UnionThe Little Prince, children theatre play at the stage of the Cervinus Teatrum i...
  • Szarvas News - 14.03.2014

    Content: Club evening in the name of Women’s Day – Friends’ Circle of Szarvas City celebrated womenLeaving and arriving home – Creators of the „Coming home” TV magazine were guests in KunszentmártonSchool gathering – future students were i...
  • Szarvas News - 13.03.2014

    Content: A whole century – János Csipai was celebrated on his 100th birthday in SzarvasRespecting women – Women were celebrated by the Szarvas Golden Age Retirement Union The Little Prince in Szarvas – Cervinus Teatrum hosted the children the...
  • Szarvas News - 12.03.2014

    Content: Szarvas Knowledge Express – project closing event organized in the City Library in SzarvasRenewed kindergarten – building of the institute in the Zöldpázsit Street is readyChallenge – Endre Rózsa, candidate of MSZP MPs called out Istvá...
  • Szarvas News - 11.03.2014

    Content: Dr László Kulcsár in Szarvas – Chamber of the Hungarian Agriculture held press conference on the site of the Gallicoop Pulykafeldolgozó ZrtJobbik conference – Gergő Tamás Samu was judging the weakness of the right- and left parties’ ...
  • Szarvas News - 10.03.2014

    Content: Thermal investment – working schedule became faster, works can be finished circa one month earlierSafe transportation through kids eyes – winners of the drawing competition were announcedCultural heritage – several tenders were submitted w...
  • Carneval show of the Trefort Ágoston Primary School in Csabacsűd

  • Körös Völgy Cultural Magazine - 07.03.2014

    Content: Tamás Clementis, opera singer visited the Vajda Péter High SchoolCsaba Nagy, Turkish pipe artist in the Benka SchoolTransportation knowledge drawing competition in the Cervinus Teatrum {flv img="videos/2014_koros_volgy_03_07.png"}2014_koros_v...
  • Szarvas News - 07.03.2014

    Content: Milestone on the way of industrialization – Industrial Park in Kunszentmarton is expanding with a new work hallFarmers’ forum – Dr László Kulcsár and Dr Attila Simon were the invited guests in SzarvasWomen’s Day – Szarvas Union of D...
  • Szarvas News - 06.03.2014

    Content: Public sector standardization to be made stronger – national conference held by the State Audit Office Of Hungary in SzarvasDay of poetry is coming – the Cervinus Teatrum is welcoming the participants of the poem marathon in this year as wel...
  • Szarvas News - 05.03.2014

    Content: Beginning of the road improvement works – István Boldog road case officer held press conference about the roads of the countyThe ambassador of the opera visited Szarvas – Tamás Clementis gave presentation in the Vajda Péter Evangelistic P...
  • Szarvas News - 04.03.2014

    Content: Dr Sándor Czomba in Mezőtúr – the politician, who is responsible for employment, reviewed the past, the present and the future of the employment politicsTravel exhibition – Körös TDM represented successfully during the eventDigital chan...
  • Szarvas News - 03.03.2014

    Content: Charity event – the Charity Ball of the Bóbita Foundation was organized for 18th times this year in SzarvasWool in the Hungarian textiles – tenders were submitted from Szarvas and Csabacsűd as well during the national tenderThe ambassador ...
  • A 95 éves Nagy Béla köszöntése Szarvason

  • Körös Völgy kulturális magazin - 2014.02.28

    A tartalomból: Benkő Géza előadása a szarvasi Cervinus TeátrumbanKiszely Lászlóné kézműves tárlata CsabacsűdönCuháré Citerazenekar Koncert Szaravson ...
  • Szarvasi Híradó - 2014.02.28

    A tartalomból: Másfél milliárdos beruházás Szarvason – elindult az új szennyvíztisztító próbaüzemeÖsszefogás - Ujhelyi István, az Országgyűlés alelnöke volt a vendég Földesi Zoltán és Rejtő József sajtótájékoztatójánRégm...
  • Szarvas News - 26.02.2014

    Content: Gala Event with music – the Circle of Friends of Szarvas City organized its ball for 32nd timeLet’s go to school – play house was organized for the future first grade students in the Benka Gyula Evangelistic Primary School in SzarvasAlmost...
  • Szarvas News - 25.02.2014

    Content: Town Hall Briefing – thermal- and waste water investment update at the press conference in SzarvasBeing together is good – 23rd National Theology Competition was organized in the Benka Gyula Evangelistic Primary School in SzarvasAnnual revie...

